For example, a client might provide proof of identity and a signed claim that they have a particular business certification. 例如,客户机可能会提供身份证据及其具有特定业务证书的已签名声明。
They take as evidence some cases where the woman's share in inheritance is half that of man as proof of their claim. 他们把有些妇女的继承权是男子继承权的一半这样的案例作为支持他们这种言论的证据。
The transfer of burden of proof must begin with the initial claim of the plaintiff which is the objective of the lawsuit, and its basic requirements are the claim being powerful and proved valid. 举证责任转移必须从作为诉讼目标的原告的初次主张开始,其基本条件是主张有力并得到有效证明。
Burden of proof in the procedure of exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence indicate when the defendant claim that the evidences provided by the prosecutor are illegally obtained, which party shall undertake the burden of proof and to what extend the evidences should be proved. 非法证据排除程序中的证明主要是指当被告方主张控诉方的证据系非法所得时由谁承担证明责任以及证明应达到何种程度。
The distribution of the burden of proof is the core of the theory of burden of proof, while our judicial body takes it wrongfully as "who claim, who testify". 证明责任分配问题是证明责任理论的一个核心问题,但在此问题上国内司法实践部门长期以来处于谁主张,谁举证的理论误区。
Distribution of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in the Case of False Claim on Depositors On the Responsibility of Legal Procedure 身份证件真伪不明冒领纠纷的证明责任分配论法律程序责任
Theoretically and practically, a major problem accompanying the proof burden of parties, is the problem of proof criterion, by which the court can believe the fact the parties claim. 伴随着当事人的证明责任,理论上和实践中面临的重大课题之一,即是证明标准问题,也就是关涉法官根据什么标准可以认定当事人主张的事实。
Litigation proof is carried out around the claim, the purpose of the pursuit of litigation that advocated the establishment of claim, rather than reproduction of case fact. 诉讼证明是围绕诉讼主张进行的,证明的目的在于追求诉讼主张的成立而不是案件事实的再现。